
The main functionality of cached-path is provided by the function cached_path().

Basic usage#

cached_path() has a single positional argument that is either the path to a local file or the URL of a remote resource.

For example, assuming the file README.md exists locally, the returned Path is just the same path that was provided:

>>> print(cached_path("README.md"))

But for remote resources, the resource will be downloaded and cached to the cache directory:

>>> path = cached_path("https://github.com/allenai/cached_path/blob/main/README.md")
>>> assert path.is_file()
>>> from cached_path import get_cache_dir
>>> assert path.parent == get_cache_dir()

If you were to call this again after the ETag of the resource has changed, the new version would be downloaded and the local path returned from cached_path() would point to the newly downloaded version.


There are multiple ways to change the cache directory.

You can also get a range of bytes directly using get_bytes_range(). For example:

>>> get_bytes_range("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allenai/cached_path/main/README.md", 0, 100)
b'# [cached-path](https://cached-path.readt'

Supported URL schemes#

In addition to http and https, cached_path() supports several other schemes such as s3 (AWS S3), gs (Google Cloud Storage), and hf (HuggingFace Hub). For a full list of supported schemes and examples, check the API documentation.

You can also overwrite how any of these schemes are handled or add clients for new schemes with the add_scheme_client() method.

Working with archives#

cached_path() will safely extract archives (.tar.gz or .zip files) if you set the extract_archive argument to True:

>>> cached_archive = cached_path(
...    "https://github.com/allenai/cached_path/releases/download/v0.1.0/cached_path-0.1.0.tar.gz",
...    extract_archive=True,
... )
>>> assert cached_archive.is_dir()

This works for both local and remote resources.

You can also automatically get the path to a certain file or directory within an archive by appending an exclamation mark “!” followed by the relative path to the file within the archive to the string given to cached_path():

>>> path = cached_path(
...     "https://github.com/allenai/cached_path/releases/download/v0.1.0/cached_path-0.1.0.tar.gz!cached_path-0.1.0/README.md",
...     extract_archive=True,
... )
>>> assert path.is_file()

Overriding the default cache directory#

There are several ways to override the default cache directory that cached_path() stores cached resource versions to:

  1. Set the environment variable CACHED_PATH_CACHE_ROOT.

  2. Call set_cache_dir().

  3. Set the cache_dir argument each time you call cached_path().